Improving Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Republic of Georgia

Improving Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Republic of Georgia

Urban Services Improvement Investment Program, Tranche 6: Improving Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in the Cities of Marneuli, Bolnisi, and Chiatura, Republic of Georgia

The Chiatura Water Supply Construction Project has reached a stage that provides 85% of the local population, more than 15,000 people, with potable water around the clock. The project is part of the Urban Services Improvement Investment Program, which aims to improve water supplies and sanitation systems in Marneuli, Bolnisi, and Chiatura. A team led by Hill International is supervising the works.

While preventive measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 are still in force nationwide, the Water Supply project is ongoing under a special permit granted by the Government of Georgia due to its strategic importance. The project team is helping to ensure that strict safety requirements are being met by all those working on the job.

The scope of works includes the rehabilitation and expansion of the water supply network in Chiatura and Navardzeti. This is facilitated by new wells in the area of Sachkhere, which provide an entirely new water supply source, along with the construction of a new reservoir and disinfection station near the wellfield.

Construction of a new transmission line will carry water from the new wellfield to Bisi Reservoir in Chiatura, with a branch to the town of Sachkhere. The project also includes the rehabilitation of existing reservoirs and pumping stations, including the main Central Pumping Station in Chiatura, replacement of network pipelines and house connections, and construction of new transmission lines to the reservoirs, along with all necessary mechanical and electrical works and a new supervisory control and data acquisition system.
