hill international news

9th Annual Western Council Project Controls Summit

January 26, 2023

10:32 -11:28 AM (PT)

Cents and Sensibility: The Dollars and Cents of Dispute AvoidanceJOHN GIBSON

Over the years we learned that it is simply sensible to try and avoid construction disputes.  As an industry, we have created means and methods to help our owners and contractors resolve issues before they spiral out of control.  We have venues that help resolve disputes such as Dispute Resolution Boards, Mediation, Arbitration, Adjudication, and the last resort, Litigation.  We all know that the earlier we identify the issues and open a conversation potentially we can save money and manpower, get or keep the project on-time and on-track, with the end result a successful commissioning.

Cents and Sensibility brings together in-house counsel, outside counsel and consultants to discuss sensible practices to avoid disputes, ensure a smooth project process and optimal outcome – and save dollars and cents.


  • John Gibson, Esquire, Hill International, Inc.
